About the Course
The topics covered by the course are at the very heart of today’s economic and political events. We aim at providing sound and specific tools for the analysis of international monetary economics and explore the most up to date evidence on and interpretation of the current and most relevant international phenomena. Beyond these general goals we aim at presenting and analysing in a critical manner the position of our country, Italy, in the rapidly changing world economy.
The course focuses on the functioning of an international monetary system. It has three core parts :
1) the first is meant to provide an historical and analytical perspective of different exchange rate regimes to highlight their pros and cons.
2) A second part of the course will concern the specific analysis of the comparison of exchange rate regimes and macroeconomic policies characterising the most recent 2008 crisis and the ‘29 one.
3) Finally, the course will provide a focus on the functioning of the Eurosystem and of the position of Italy within this system.
The main value added of the course is having instructors whose research field overlaps with the topics that they will cover.
Social Sciences
Training hours10
Course ModeTutored
Duration4 weeks
Course StatusSelf Pacement
Course Agenda
Enrollments Start
Course Opens
Tutoring Starts
Tutoring Stops
Self Paced
Course Closes
Learning outcomes
The course will provide participants with sound and specific tools for the analysis of international monetary economics and explore the most up to date evidence on and interpretation of the current and most relevant international phenomena. Beyond these general goals, the course will analyse in a critical manner the position of our country, Italy, in the international monetary system.
Background and Requirements
Economics, International Monetary Economics, International Monetary System, Exchange rate regimes
De Grauwe, P., Economics of Monetary Union, Oxford University Press, 2014 (10th edition), only inherent chapters.
Course Format
Video lectures combined with powerpoint slides, papers and reports and other supplementary downloadable information.Certificates and Exam rules
Attendance Certificate
A Certificate of Attendance will be issued to students who have participated in the online course "International economics: the monetary economy". Students have to watch the video lectures and to pass the test at the end of each Section with a minimum score of 7/10 and the end of course test with a minimum score of 15/20.