The manifold faces of War

The course The manifold faces of war is a journey in the complex reality of armed conflicts through the ages, which touches all their main aspects, from the root-causes of belligerence to the experiences of those who actually fight and die in combat, up to the future of warfare, in order to to gain a better knowledge of this terrible but pivotal feature of our history.

Attendance and Credentials

Attendance Certificate


Social Sciences

Training hours




Course Mode





4 weeks



Course Status

Soft Tutoring

Enrollments Start

Oct 5, 2023

Course Opens

Oct 19, 2023

Tutoring Starts

Oct 19, 2023

Tutoring Stops

Nov 23, 2023

Soft Tutoring

Nov 24, 2023

Course Closes

Not Set

The expected learning outcomes are:

  • gain general knowledge about the history of armed conflicts;
  • gain a better understanding of the problems specifically related to the military aspects of armed conflicts through the ages;
  • develop critical knowledge about armed conflicts, as well as about the reasons for the involvement of societies and individuals in warfare and about the experience of fighting.
  • This course is aimed at anyone who is interested in the history of armed conflicts and their main features through the ages. No specific prerequisites are required to take advantage of the course content.

    Breccia, G., La grande storia della guerra, Roma, Newton Compton, 2020.

    The course is made up of video lessons (10’/12’), introducing various main issues. Each video lesson will be backed by short written notes made available by the teacher (in PDF format), an essential bibliography and a set of questions that can be used by the students to assess the amount and quality of the knowledge acquired at the end of any section, and will be followed by a short on-line forum with the teacher in order to review some of the topics of the video lesson (about 30’).