University of Salerno

Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - 84084 - Fisciano (SA)

The origins of the University go back to the VIII century AD thanks to the foundation of the celebrated Salerno medical school, an authoritative, prestigious, sanitary institution, which remained important throughout the whole Medieval Age. Since 1988, the University of Salerno is located at few kilometers from Salerno and its distinctive feature is the configuration in the form of campus: the main one, Fisciano, has an area of 1,200,000 square meters. There are 16 departments, 40 undergraduate programs, 38 master's degree programs and 7 master degree courses of one cycle that last 5 and 6 years.
The campus has been equipped with a complex of highly efficient university residences for students and teachers and other services such as the catering and the informatics laboratories.
The University Library Center is divided into three central libraries - one for the Humanities and one for the Sciences, and a third library, run by the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.
The libraries of the campus reflect the different  kind of knowledge and culture developed at the university of Salerno which are the result of specific expertise and excellence in various research areas: humanities, computing, engineering, medical and bio-medical.
With a view to enhancing technology transfer processes, the University of Salerno assesses and monitors opportunities for Venture Capital operations aiming to  develop innovative high added value business initiatives (spin-offs).  
Consequently, the University aims to consolidate links between  the academic community and the business world in order to promote awareness in both sectors of the reciprocal networking opportunities for development and further expansion. This is achieved by collaborating with individuals and companies outside the university who specialize in technology transfer.
Beyond the Spin-offs, there are many and highly specialized research consortiums, laboratories, inter-departmental centers involved in the development of scientific research paths,  according an international point of view.
The internationalization plays a central role also in training processes of the students enrolled in the various graduate degrees and is effectively managed by the Office International Relations / Erasmus through many partnership agreements with prestigious foreign universities.
In addition, the campus has a University Theatre - a theater with an audience of 300 people - which started its activities in 2005.
Moreover, the campus also hosts additional services: a bank, a post office, the police station, an Health Center managed by the ASL of Salerno which provides a rescue and emergency transportation service. There are many sports facilities and a Psychological Counseling Center. Another important service provided by the campus is a nursery for the children of University employees, which is represents the second experience in Italy at university level.
