Fashion and Food Synergy for Sustainability - 1 The Challenge of Sustainability

Welcome to The Challenge of Sustainability

This is 1 of the 6 Learning Modules developed as part of the Fashion and Food Synergy for Sustainability project, an avant-garde initiative in an interdisciplinary and international context funded under the Erasmus+ programme - Higher Education, and that explores the intersecting trends and demands within the fashion and food sectors, emphasizing the need for informed and skilled professionals dedicated to sustainable practices. The Challenge of Sustainability provides basic knowledge to address and understand the history and complexity of sustainability today. 

This course was initially designed and tested for BA and MA students, providing them with in-depth insights into sustainable practices and challenges. However, it is now open to a broader audience, welcoming anyone interested in learning about this topic. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply someone passionate about our impacts, this course offers valuable knowledge to all who want to contribute to a more sustainable future.

This course is self-directed. You complete it by scoring at least 8 out of 20 points on  each of the five quizzes in this course - which sums up to 40 out of 100 points.

This course consists of an introduction and five sections

1. General Concepts

In this section you will learn about the general concepts of this course The Challenge of Sustainability.

2. Environmental Impact

In this section you will learn about the environmental impact of the food and fashion industry.

3. Social Sustainability

In this unit we will focus on the invisible and marginalized actors in the food and fashion industries.

4. Economic Sustainability

In this section we will explore the key idea of Economic Sustainability and discover the challenges and opportunities that come with different economic approaches with a focus on the food and fashion industries.

5. Cultural Sustainability

In this section we you'll explore how cultural practices, heritage, and values connect with sustainable development. By learning about cultural sustainability, you'll see how preserving and respecting cultural traditions can strengthen sustainability efforts and lead to more inclusive and well-rounded solutions.

Frequenza e Attestati

Attestato di Partecipazione


Arts and Humanities

Ore di Formazione




Modalità Corso





4 Settimane



Stato del Corso


Avvio Iscrizioni

3 Lug 2025

Apertura Corso

18 Lug 2025

Chiusura Corso

Non impostato