Fashion and Food Synergy for Sustainability - 2 Circularity - Circular Economy Application in the Fashion and Food Industries
Introduzione al Corso
Welcome to Circularity - Circular Economy Application in the Fashion and Food Industries
This is 1 of the 6 Learning Modules developed as part of the Fashion and Food Synergy for Sustainability project, an avant-garde initiative in an interdisciplinary and international context funded under the Erasmus+ programme - Higher Education, and that explores the intersecting trends and demands within the fashion and food sectors, emphasizing the need for informed and skilled professionals dedicated to sustainable practices. Circularity - Circular Economy Application in the Fashion and Food Industries provides basic knowledge to address and understand what the Circular Economy is and how it impacts the fashion and food sectors.
This course was initially designed and tested for BA and MA students, providing them with in-depth insights into sustainable practices and challenges. However, it is now open to a broader audience, welcoming anyone interested in learning about this topic. Whether you are a student, professional, or simply someone passionate about our impacts, this course offers valuable knowledge to all who want to contribute to a more sustainable future.
This course is self-directed. You complete it by scoring at least 10 out of 25 points on each of the four quizzes in this course - which sums up to 40 out of 100 points.
Technology, Design and Engineering
Ore di Formazione0
Modalità CorsoTutoraggio
Stato del CorsoProssimamente
Agenda del Corso
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Risultati Attesi
- B2 Students can undertake their studies with autonomy, employing a critical point of view. Students can also interpret relevant data within the fields of fashion and food, and they can critically assess and evaluate their points of convergence in relation to social, scientific, and ethical issues.
- G2 Students can define the circular economy and apply this concept to the food and fashion industries.
- G3 Students can reflect upon the global and cultural implications of their social responsibility as citizens and future professionals in relation to the SDGs, and how these can be implemented into the fashion and food industries.
- S1 Students acquire a general understanding of the concept of circular economy as a model of production and consumption that aims to extend the life cycle of products and minimize waste.
- S2 Students can employ their own local or cultural perspective as they apply the six principles of a circular economy to the textile (fashion) and food fields: 1) waste is food, 2) resilience through diversity, 3) use of renewable energy resources, 4) systems thinking, 5) prices reflect real costs, 6) proximity as a priority.
- S3 Students can recognize, explain, and accurately communicate the main tasks involved in a circular framework such as sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products.
This course is designed for:
- Individuals with a general interest in sustainable practices in lifestyle and consumer products.
- Students and researchers interested in sustainability and its applications in these fields.
- Professionals and entrepreneurs in the fashion and food industries seeking to integrate sustainability into their practices.
- Basic understanding of the fashion or food industry (or both).
- Interest in sustainability and willingness to engage in interdisciplinary discussions.
- No prior technical or scientific knowledge is required, though familiarity with general sustainability concepts is a plus.
Libri di testo e letture consigliate
The course will incorporate a blend of open educational resources, curated readings, and supplementary materials, including videos, infographics, and guest speaker insights. All materials will be conveniently accessible directly on the platform.
Formato del corso
The course is offered in an online format and includes: 1. Video Lectures: Pre-recorded lectures by industry experts and academic professionals. 2. Interactive Modules: Quizzes, case studies, and scenario-based activities to reinforce learning. Participants can follow the course at their own pace, with recommended timelines provided for optimal progression.Regole per ottenere gli Attestati e sostenere gli Esami
Attestato di Partecipazione
A certificate of completion will be awarded to participants who successfully finish the course, including all assessments.
Exam Rules:
- Assessments include quizzes:
- Quizzes are open-book and can be retaken to achieve the required passing grade.